“We Are The World” Recording Session Drove Bob Dylan To A “Nervous Breakdown”

Forty years ago this week, the groundbreaking charity single, “We Are the World,” was released. The track was written by Michael Jackson and Lionel Richie, and went on to raise $80 million for Ethiopian famine relief. One of the lasting images of the legendary recording session – especially in the meme-driven world of social media – features a miserable looking Bob Dylan appearing to be having the worst night of his life. While promoting Netflix’s documentary, The Greatest Night in Pop, back in 2022, Richie recalls that, “Poor Bob was having a nervous breakdown.” The studio footage of a visibly uncomfortable Dylan has since gone viral, and in a past 20/20 interview, the legendary musician shares his insight into the tune’s lasting impact. “People buying a song and the money going to starving people in Africa is, you know, a worthwhile idea,” he said. “But I wasn’t so convinced about the message of the song, to tell you the truth. I don’t think people can save themselves, y’know.” (People)


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