Poison The Well Shares First New Song In 15 Years, “Trembling Level”

Poison The Well Shares First New Song In 15 Years, “Trembling Level”

Poison the Well has returned with their first single in 15 years, "Trembling Level." The three-minute track is released through the reunited band’s new record label, SharpTone Records. “For me, I was trying to figure how to effectively incorporate elements from our whole discography into one song,” guitarist Ryan Primack said of their new single…

Poison the Well has returned with their first single in 15 years, “Trembling Level.” The three-minute track is released through the reunited band’s new record label, SharpTone Records. “For me, I was trying to figure how to effectively incorporate elements from our whole discography into one song,” guitarist Ryan Primack said of their new single in a press release. “We ended up with this, and it has a little bit of everything we’ve done throughout the course of our existence.”  Frontman Jeff Moreira reveals that the song’s lyrics are “about tackling a fear. I tend to write based on personal experience.” The single precedes Poison the Well’s upcoming North American tour in April, commemorating the 25th anniversary of their 1999 debut album, The Opposite of December… A Season of Separation, where they will be joined by opening acts Glassjaw, Better Lovers, and Teenage Wrist. (Consequence of Sound)


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