Peter Sinfield, Lyricist For King Crimson And Emerson, Lake & Palmer, Dies At 80

Peter Sinfield, Lyricist For King Crimson And Emerson, Lake & Palmer, Dies At 80

Peter Sinfield, the British poet and lyricist who co-founded King Crimson with guitarist Robert Fripp, died in London on Thursday (November 14) at the age of 80. In addition to his surreal lyrical work with King Crimson, Sinfield also wrote lyrics for songs by Emerson, Lake & Palmer, Celine Dion, and Cher. Fripp confirmed the…

Peter Sinfield, the British poet and lyricist who co-founded King Crimson with guitarist Robert Fripp, died in London on Thursday (November 14) at the age of 80. In addition to his surreal lyrical work with King Crimson, Sinfield also wrote lyrics for songs by Emerson, Lake & Palmer, Celine Dion, and Cher. Fripp confirmed the news with a post on X on Friday, where he linked to an obituary shared on his website. The remembrance says that Sinfield was “King Crimson’s original roadie, lyricist, lights operator and live sound engineer,” who also went on serve as the band’s art director and lyricist from 1979-1981, “commissioning the covers of the albums Court, In The Wake Of Poseidon, Lizard and Islands, which he also co-produced with Robert Fripp.” Sinfield also served as producer on Roxy Music’s celebrated 1972 self-titled debut album. No official cause of death was provided, though Sinfield had apparently been in declining health for several years. (Variety)


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