Ozzy Osbourne Unable To Walk Due To Parkinson’s Disease, “Very Emotional” About Upcoming Black Sabbath Reunion

Ozzy Osbourne Unable To Walk Due To Parkinson’s Disease, “Very Emotional” About Upcoming Black Sabbath Reunion

Ozzy Osbourne has revealed that he is currently unable to walk due to his ongoing battle with Parkinson's disease. Despite his health issues, the 76-year-old metal legend is set to make a celebrated reunion with Black Sabbath during the Back to the Beginning concert on July 5, which will mark Ozzy’s final live performance. “He’s…

Ozzy Osbourne has revealed that he is currently unable to walk due to his ongoing battle with Parkinson’s disease. Despite his health issues, the 76-year-old metal legend is set to make a celebrated reunion with Black Sabbath during the Back to the Beginning concert on July 5, which will mark Ozzy’s final live performance. “He’s very happy to be coming back and very emotional about this,” Ozzy’s wife and manager, Sharon Osbourne, said in a new interview with The Sun. She also gave fans a health update on Ozzy, saying “Parkinson’s is a progressive disease. It’s not something you can stabilize. It affects different parts of the body and it’s affected his legs. But his voice is as good as it’s ever been.” In a recent episode of his SiriusXM radio show, Ozzy opened up about his health. “I have made it to 2025,” he said. “I can’t walk, but for all my complaining, I’m still alive. I may be moaning that I can’t walk but I look down the road and there’s people that didn’t do half as much as me and didn’t make it.” (People)


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