Kirk Hammett Reveals He’s Working On First Solo Album, And Has “767” Riffs Ready For Next Metallica Record

Kirk Hammett Reveals He’s Working On First Solo Album, And Has “767” Riffs Ready For Next Metallica Record

In a new interview with Rolling Stone, Metallica’s Kirk Hammett revealed that he is currently working on his first solo album, and has over 700 riffs stockpiled for Metallica’s next LP. “I’m just actively getting ideas together for my [first] solo album,” he told the publication. “I guess the best way to describe it is…

In a new interview with Rolling Stone, Metallica’s Kirk Hammett revealed that he is currently working on his first solo album, and has over 700 riffs stockpiled for Metallica’s next LP. “I’m just actively getting ideas together for my [first] solo album,” he told the publication. “I guess the best way to describe it is it’s gonna be a fusion of all sorts of styles” While Hammet’s 2022 solo EP, Portals, featured instrumental pieces, his new project will feature a yet to be determined singer. “There will be vocals because the songs that I wrote scream for vocals this time around,” he said. “Who’s gonna be doing the vocals? I don’t know. I hope I’m not — I already have too much to do onstage” While he focuses on his solo album, Hammet isn’t neglecting his duties with Metallica, saying he has riffs stored up for the band. “I have 767 new ones for the next album,” he said. “I don’t foresee us starting the next album for at least another year because we’re still finishing the 72 Seasons tour.” (Consequence of Sound)


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