Billy Joel Has Surgery For Undisclosed “Medical Condition,” Postpones All Shows For Four Months

Billy Joel Has Surgery For Undisclosed “Medical Condition,” Postpones All Shows For Four Months

Billy Joel announced on Tuesday (March 11) that he is postponing his upcoming concerts for the next four months due to recent surgery for an undisclosed “medical condition.” The procedure will require plenty of recovery time for the 75-year-old music legend, followed by him undergoing “physical therapy under the supervision of his doctors.” According to…

Billy Joel announced on Tuesday (March 11) that he is postponing his upcoming concerts for the next four months due to recent surgery for an undisclosed “medical condition.” The procedure will require plenty of recovery time for the 75-year-old music legend, followed by him undergoing “physical therapy under the supervision of his doctors.” According to the social media statement, “Joel is expected to make a full recovery.” The Piano Man released his own personal statement, writing: “While I regret postponing any shows, my health must come first. I look forward to getting back on stage and sharing the joy of live music with our amazing fans. Thank you for your understanding.” The postponed shows were scheduled in Toronto, Detroit, Syracuse, Milwaukee, Charlotte, Salt Lake City, Edinburgh, Liverpool, and Charlotte, with rescheduled dates already announced for later this year or in 2026. If all goes well, Joel will resume performing on July 5 in Pittsburgh. (Rolling Stone)


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