Billy Corgan Believes That He Is Being Snubbed On “Greatest Guitar Player” Lists

Billy Corgan Believes That He Is Being Snubbed On “Greatest Guitar Player” Lists

In a new interview with Guitar World, Smashing Pumpkins frontman Billy Corgan shared his thoughts on all of the "Greatest Guitar Player" lists that routinely generate heated discussions in music circles and on social media. Corgan expressed his frustration that his guitar exploits are either ranked too low on the lists, or snubbed from the…

In a new interview with Guitar World, Smashing Pumpkins frontman Billy Corgan shared his thoughts on all of the “Greatest Guitar Player” lists that routinely generate heated discussions in music circles and on social media. Corgan expressed his frustration that his guitar exploits are either ranked too low on the lists, or snubbed from the countdowns entirely. “Most people don’t even recognize my contributions as a guitar player,” Corgan said. “They don’t even assume I’m the one playing a lot of the guitar.” Corgan went on to say that his guitar playing with the Pumpkins deserves more recognition. “You have these silly lists that come out about the greatest guitar players; I usually don’t even make those lists,” he said. “Or they’ll put me behind somebody who I could play circles around. I don’t mean to denigrate the person in front of me or the people in front of me, but come on, you know? I’m enough of a guitar player to know who’s a great guitar player.” (Consequence of Sound)


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