Avenged Sevenfold’s M. Shadows Admits It Is “Almost Impossible” To Make Money Touring These Days

Avenged Sevenfold’s M. Shadows Admits It Is “Almost Impossible” To Make Money Touring These Days

In a new interview with YouTuber Bradley Hall, Avenged Sevenfold frontman M. Shadows opened up about the challenges facing bands in the current music climate and how difficult it is to make any money from touring at the moment. “Touring is very hard right now for bands,” Shadows admits. “It’s almost impossible. People have been…

In a new interview with YouTuber Bradley Hall, Avenged Sevenfold frontman M. Shadows opened up about the challenges facing bands in the current music climate and how difficult it is to make any money from touring at the moment. “Touring is very hard right now for bands,” Shadows admits. “It’s almost impossible. People have been blown out by ticket prices. You’ve got people that are very upset about what ticket prices are, which I get. It’s kind of crazy to go see a couple of bands and it’s gonna cost you five, six hundred bucks.” Shadows says that the bigger the show’s production, the more expensive the ticket cost, because you have “more trucks, more drivers, more gasoline, more travel.” He shares this advice for touring bands: “Don’t make yourself miserable. Don’t go grind in Europe for six weeks, be away from your family, make no money, and basically play the same places you played for 25 years. You’ve just gotta change the mindset.” (Consequence of Sound)


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