All Time Low Drops Libel Lawsuit, Reveals Probe Found “Smear Campaign” Against Them

All Time Low Drops Libel Lawsuit, Reveals Probe Found “Smear Campaign” Against Them

All Time Low are dismissing the defamation and libel lawsuit they filed two years ago, after an investigation into the anonymous allegations that they engaged in sexual misconduct were proven to be “false and damaging online rumors.” The complaint was filed in 2022 against at least three anonymous defendants who claimed on social media that…

All Time Low are dismissing the defamation and libel lawsuit they filed two years ago, after an investigation into the anonymous allegations that they engaged in sexual misconduct were proven to be “false and damaging online rumors.” The complaint was filed in 2022 against at least three anonymous defendants who claimed on social media that the group sexually harassed or assaulted teen fans. The case’s central defendant, Doe 2, claimed to have started a decade-long relationship with the band’s guitarist, Jack Barakat, when she was just 15-years-old. In a statement from the band’s lawyer, a lengthy probe determined Doe 2 was actually multiple people who “spun an elaborate, fabricated story” as part of “an orchestrated smear campaign by multiple individuals. “This has been a challenging time for our band as we fought to clear and debunk these false and damaging online rumors,” the band said in a statement. “With this case dismissed, we remain committed to continuing to foster a healthy, safe environment both at our concerts and within our fan community.” (Rolling Stone)


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